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Hypi CLI Overview

Hypi has its own Command Line Interface(CLI) to facilitate using Hypi APIs with Client Applications. Instead of making an HTTP request to Hypi Endpoint, developers can include Hypi as a part of their applications.

CLI synchronizes Hypi APIs with client applications and developers can use them within their own workspace!

Install Hypi CLI

Go to . Click on Releases. Download Hypi CLI for your operating system with the latest release. Uncompress the hypi folder from thetar.gzfile.

If you have npm installed, use the following command to install hypi CLI.

$ npm install -g @hypi/cli

@hypi/cli => Here, use the entire path of the downloaded Hypi Cli folder

After this, you should have a new hypi command available to run. If you do not have npm then follow the platform specific steps below to install from the latest binaries.


  • Add Hypi CLI folder to the bin folder of Home directory , i.e. ~/bin. If this directory doesn't exist then create it.
  • Update the PATH environment variable in profile file.
vim ~/.profile
export PATH="/<PATH TO BIN>/bin/hypi:$PATH"
  • Replace<PATH TO BIN>with the real path to your bin directory where you saved the Hypi binary.
  • Open new shell. Provide command hypi to verify the installation.
➜  hypi-cli-angular-example git:(main) ✗ hypi  

Application developer community centred around Hypi's unique low-code, serverless development platform.VERSION

@hypi/cli/0.2.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.19.1USAGE

plugins list installed pluginsCOMMANDS
commands list all the commands
conf manage configuration
help display help for hypi
init Init a hypi app
login Login to hypi with email and password or domain and token
plugins list installed plugins
sync sync user local schema with hypi
update update the hypi CLI
  • If new shell is not opened, source the file with PATH environment variable, i.e. profile. And then use hypi command.
source ~/.profile
  • which Hypi shows the directory where Hypi has been downloaded.
which hypi


  • Add Hypi CLI folder to the bin folder of Home directory , i.e./home/username. If this directory doesn't exist then create it.
  • Update the PATH environment variable in . bashrc file.
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH="/<PATH TO BIN>/bin/hypi:$PATH"
  • Replace<PATH TO BIN>with the real path to your bin directory where you saved the Hypi binary.
  • Open new shell. Provide command hypi to verify the installation.
➜  hypi-cli-angular-example git:(main) ✗ hypi  

Application developer community centred around Hypi's unique low-code, serverless development platform.VERSION

@hypi/cli/0.2.0 linux-x64 node-v12.19.1USAGE

plugins list installed pluginsCOMMANDS
commands list all the commands
conf manage configuration
help display help for hypi
init Init a hypi app
login Login to hypi with email and password or domain and token
plugins list installed plugins
sync sync user local schema with hypi
update update the hypi CLI
  • If new shell is not opened, source the file with PATH environment variable, i.e. bashrc. And then use hypi command.
source ~/.bashrc
  • which Hypi shows the directory where Hypi has been downloaded.
which hypi


  • Add Hypi CLI folder to the bin folder of Home directory , i.e. \users\username
  • Open Environment Variables settings with command Windows Key + env + Enter
  • Add new variable name path with following value. If 'path' variable is already present, edit it to add new value.
<PATH TO BIN>\hypi\bin
  • Replace<PATH TO BIN>with the real path to your bin directory where you saved the Hypi binary.
  • Open new command prompt with cmd. Provide command hypi to verify the installation.
Application developer community centred around Hypi's unique low-code, serverless development platform.

@hypi/hypi/1.0.0 win32-x64 node-v14.16.0

$ hypi [COMMAND]

commands list all the commands
conf manage configuration
help display help for hypi
init Init a hypi app
login Login to hypi with email and password or domain and token
sync sync user local schema with hypi
update update the hypi CLI

After the installation, hypi CLI is ready to use!

Hypi Login

Login to the Hypi domain using the login command. You may login to your Hypi account using your own email and password or domain and token.

Also, configure the domains of your installation with the logincommand. Enter the API hostname and the serverless function domain.

$ hypi login

-d, --domain
-h, --help show CLI help

$ hypi login
$ hypi login -d
$ hypi login --domain

$ API domain =>
$ Fn domain => https://fn.your.domain

Let's login using email and password.

hypi login
? Please enter API domain, default  ( :
? Please enter Fn domain, default ( :
Enter your email and password
? Email? [email protected]
? Password? [hidden]
Logged in successfully
ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to ''

Or you may enter with Organization Namespace and Authorization Token given on the below link.

hypi login -d
? Please enter API domain, default ( :
? Please enter Fn domain, default ( :
Enter domain and token
? Domain?
? Token? <Auth-Token>
Logged in successfully
ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to ''