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NodeJS Client Library

Using NodeJS Client Library, integrate Hypi APIs effortlessly into the NodeJS based serverless functions. Download and install NPM NodeJS library and start using Hypi APIs.

Here are the easy steps to get you going.

  • Create a package.json file in a folder.
"name": "nodejs-hypi",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"@hypi/hypi-client-nodejs": "^1.0.15"

Enter the latest version for the @hypi/hypi-client-nodejs dependency.

  • Create index.js file in the same folder. This is the file with the serverless function.

Below file has nodeJSHypi function to be exported using exports.main. require() function imports hypi nodejs client library dynamically.

async function nodeJSHypi(args) {
const HypiClient = require("@hypi/hypi-client-nodejs");
const hypiClient = new HypiClient.HypiClient(args.hypi.domain);
var upsert_output = await hypiClient.upsert({
Pair: [
hypi: {
id: "pairId",
key: args.key,
value: args.value,

var get_output = await hypiClient.get(
... on Pair {
hypi {

var trash_output = await hypiClient.trash("Pair", " = 'pairId'");

var untrash_output = await hypiClient.untrash("Pair", " = 'pairId'");

var delete_output = await hypiClient.delete("Pair", " = 'pairId'");

return {
upsert_output: upsert_output,
get_output: get_output,
trash_output: trash_output,
untrash_output: untrash_output,
delete_output: delete_output,

exports.main = nodeJSHypi;
  • args.hypi has the following variables. You can make use of them.
hypi: {
accountId: '01FVW473F5X84GY9XJ919JDRQW',",
domain: '',",
env: null,",
instanceId: '01FVW623W74K3KV3DTAWTRP595',",
token: 'Auth-Token'",
  • hypiClient.upsert is an async function that upserts the data in a type (Pair - an in-built data type has been used in the example). The function is identical to upsert hypi API.

  • hypiClient.get , hypiClient.find, hypiClient.trash , hypiClient.untrash, and hypiClient.delete functions are nodejs hypi interfaces for get, find, trash, untrash, delete functions respectively.

  • Install the Hypi nodejs library using NPM (

npm i @hypi/hypi-client-nodejs

node_modules folder gets created in the current folder.

  • Zip all the above files in the folder including the dependencies. (

  • Create the action from the zip folder.

hypi wsk action create packageAction --kind nodejs:12

Explicitly provide a value for the --kind flag by using nodejs:12, or nodejs:10.

  • Define GraphQL Query in the Schema.
type Query {
createPair(key:String,value:String): Json @tan(type:OpenWhisk, name: "packageNodeJS")
  • Execute the serverless function.
createPair(key:"a", value:"b")