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Use Hypi in a ReactJS Project

In this guide, we will access Hypi APIs from the React Typescript project using the Hypi CLI.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of application development using ReactJS. Development set up for ReactJS.

Create React Typescript App

You may create a sample React Typescript app using the following command.

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript`  

or use an example from here

In this example, we will use the apollo client as the graphql client. Add the following dependencies to package.json

"@apollo/client": "^3.3.16",
"graphql": "^15.5.0",

Let's start using Hypi CLI now.


On the command line, go to your ReactJS application folder. Login to your Hypi account using hypi login command. After successful login, the user config file will be placed in ~/.config/hypi/config.json . In case of Windows, the file will be created in \Users\user\AppData\Local

Here, are the contents of the file. It makes the connection between Hypi and ReactJS app.

"api_domain": "",
"fn_domain": "",
"sessionExpires": 1657276287,
"sessionToken": "Auth-Token",
"domain": ""

Hypi Init

Use the hypi init command to initialize a new hypi App and Instance in your ReactJS project folder.

$ hypi init [WEBSITE] [NAME] [LABEL] [DOMAIN]

-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --have_instance

$ hypi init -i
$ hypi init --have_instance
$ hypi init

Go to your ReactJS project folder on the command line and run hypi init

>hypi init
This command will walk you through creating app.yaml and instance.yaml files.
? Do you have a Hypi instance created at that you’d like to use? No
? App name? ReactJSApp
? App label? ReactJSApp
? Website?
? Domain(Optional)?
Init done successfully, Now write your schema then run the hypi sync command to generate your app's API

This creates a .hypi folder in your ReactJS project folder. Within .hypi, three files are created. app.yaml, instance.yaml and schema.graphql. The files app.yaml and instance.yaml has Hypi App and Instance details.


You should write your schema inside schema.graphql file.

name: ReactJSApp
label: ReactJSApp
- name: latest
types: schema.graphql
notes: latest version
id: 01F8EMYY0935THH0GX40K7QESY
name: latest
id: 01F8EMYY0935THH0GX40K7QESY
id: 01F8EMZ1PN1ANAS1C15K6DD63H

The new app gets created on the Hypi account. If an existing domain is not provided then a new domain also gets created.

If you want to use an existing domain on the Hypi website instead of creating a new one, you may provide that domain that as well.

hypi init
This command will walk you through creating app.yaml and instance.yaml files.
? Do you have a Hypi instance created at that you’d like to use? Yes
? Please enter a valid domain
Init done successfully, Now write your schema then run the hypi sync command to generate your app's API

In this case, the existing schema will get imported.

Schema Edit

You may edit the schema in the schema.graphql Let's edit the schema, to add the data types. Here, we are adding Product data type.

type Product {
hypi: Hypi
title: String!
description: String!
price: Float

Hypi Sync

The next step is to sync the edited local schema and get the full schema of Hypi. Use the hypi sync command for that.

$ hypi sync

-h, --help show CLI help

$ hypi sync

Now run hypi sync to generate full schema file.

hypi sync
App created with id : 01F8EMYY01YDD2HB0WH8E1AZJW
Instance created with id : 01F8EMZ1PN1ANAS1C15K6DD63H
updateAppYamlFile done
updateInstanceYamlFile done
Introspection done
Sync Process... done
The file was succesfully generated!

After syncing, generated-schema.graphql file gets generated in the .hypi folder that has full hypi schema.

Hypi Generate

Now, you need to generate graphql ReactJS code to use Hypi APIs within the ReactJS typescript project.

Inside src/graphql folder, add files related to GraphQl queries and mutations.

  • Here is the sample Product Query file to find all data : src/graphql/products.graphql
query products($arcql: String!) {
find(type: Product, arcql: $arcql) {
edges {
node {

fragment ProductFields on Product {
hypi {

You may replace the type Product with your own data type and fields like title/description with your own fields.

  • Now, add Products Mutation: src/graphql/products-mutation.graphql
mutation upsert($values:HypiUpsertInputUnion!) {
  • You may also retrieve a single product using get query. Add get query: `src/graphql/get-product.graphql
query getProduct($id: String!) {
get(type: Product, id: $id) {

fragment ProductFields on Product {
hypi {
  • Add delete mutation: src/graphql/delete-product.graphql
mutation delete(
$arcql: String!
$clearArrayReferences: Boolean = false) {
delete(type: Product, arcql: $arcql, clearArrayReferences: $clearArrayReferences)
  • After adding the graphql queries and mutations, use the generate command to generate the Reactjs graphql code so that you can use Hypi APIs within your project.
$ hypi generate [PLATFORM]

-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --platform=flutter|reactjs|angular

$ hypi generate angular
$ hypi generate -p=angular
$ hypi generate --platform=angular

After running the command, graphql.ts files get created in the \src\generated folder.

hypi generate reactjs
Generate Process... done
The file was succesfully generated!

Inside graphql.ts file, you will find hooks for the query and the mutation to be used inside your typescript components.

export function useProductsQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<ProductsQuery, ProductsQueryVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useQuery<ProductsQuery, ProductsQueryVariables>(ProductsDocument, options);
export function useUpsertMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<UpsertMutation, UpsertMutationVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useMutation<UpsertMutation, UpsertMutationVariables>(UpsertDocument, options);
export function useDeleteMutation(baseOptions?: Apollo.MutationHookOptions<DeleteMutation, DeleteMutationVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useMutation<DeleteMutation, DeleteMutationVariables>(DeleteDocument, options);
export function useGetProductQuery(baseOptions: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetProductQuery, GetProductQueryVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useQuery<GetProductQuery, GetProductQueryVariables>(GetProductDocument, options);

Now, you are ready to create your React TypeScript application using Hypi APIs!


To use various Hypi APIs like CRUD, you will have to write the related graphql queries in *.graphl files inside src/graphql folder. Please check various APIs here.

Using GraphQL hooks

Inside src/components, add Product or your own data type component. Add ProductList.js / AddProduc.js / EditProduct.jsfiles. These files will access the graphql queries and mutations using the hooks.

Let's try to understand the usage of hooks in the ProductList component.

  • First, we import the hooks from graphql.ts file.
import { useUpsertMutation } from'../../generated/graphql'
import { useUpsertMutation, useGetProductQuery } from'../../generated/graphql'
import { useProductsQuery, useDeleteMutation } from'../../generated/graphql'
  • Here, you may declare the GraphQL query hook and provide the arcql statements under variables.
const { loading, error, data } = useProductsQuery({
variables: { arcql: '*' },
  • Declare the GraphQL mutation hook.
const [upsertMutation, { upsertData, upsertLoading, upsertError }] = useUpsertMutation()
  • Declare Delete mutation hook.
const handleRemove = (event, id) => {
variables: {
arcql: " = '" + id + "'"
  • Declare Get Query hook.
  const { loading, error, data } = useGetProductQuery({
variables: { id: id },
  • Retrieve the data from the Product data type. Delete the product on click event.
const productsOutput = data.find.edges.length === 0 ?
<p>No products found</p>
:, index) => {
return (
<div key={}>
<li key={index} >
<button type="button" className={"btn"} onClick={(event) => handleRemove(event,}>
to={"/products/" +}
className="badge badge-warning">
<button type="button" className={"btn"}>
  • Insert data using the mutation. Data from the productForm gets inserted into the Product table.
const submitProductHandler = (event) => {
//call the mutation to send data
variables: {
values: {
Product: {
hypi: {
title: productForm.title,
description: productForm.description
  • Inside your main App.js file, you may access the ProductList.
<div className="container mt-3">
<Route exact path={["/", "/products"]} component={ProductList} />
<Route exact path="/add" component={AddProduct} />
<Route path="/products/:id" component={EditProduct} />

Authentication using Apollo Client

To make an HTTP connection to Hypi Endpoint, we use Apollo client. Following code demonstrates how to make this connection. Replace Hypi Authorization Token (Auth-Token) and hypi domain. This code has been added in the apollo-client.js file.

import {
} from "@apollo/client";

import config from '../config'

const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: config.default_api_domain + "/graphql" });

const authMiddleware = () =>
new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
// add the authorization to the headers
const authToken = config.token
const domain = config.domain

headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${authToken}`,
'hypi-domain': `${domain}`
return forward(operation);

export const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({
link: authMiddleware().concat(httpLink),
cache: new InMemoryCache(),

Run the application using npm run start command. To run the application react-scripts is needed. You may check the setting in packag.json file. If the script is not installed, you may install it using npm install react-scripts --save command.

This is the simplest way to use Hypi GraphQL queries and Mutations inside React TypeScript application!