GraphQL Mutations
As a complete platform, we focus not just on querying but creating and updating your app's data. Similar to queries, mutations must also have data/fields selected. You can ask for any nested fields. This is useful for fetching the new state of an object after an update.
Form a mutation
You must specify three things when defining a mutation:
Name of the mutation
, typically named after the type of modification you want to perform e.g.CreateToDo
...but it can be anything you want. -
Input variable
, passed as an argument to the mutation name that contains the data you want to send to the server. -
Payload object
, the data you want to send to the server.
- GraphQL Query
- Input Data
- Response
mutation CreateTodo( $todos: [TodoInput!]!) {
createTodo(todo: $todo) {
hypi {
"todo": [ {
"description": "This is a great todo!"
} ]
"data": {
"createTodo": [{
"hypi": {
"id": "c94144ec-52aa-4337-9d8b-15fa8ec5c979"
"created": "2019-11-02T15:45:16Z"
"description": "This is a great todo!"
Refer Create Data to understand Hypi's mutation functions.