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13 posts tagged with "tutorials"

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· 8 min read

You successfully created a database on Hypi’s low code platform.

Next, how can you easily find the data you need?

Hypi has developed its powerful query language as part of its lowcode platform: ArcQL

‘ArcQL’ works as a filter to select data to process or return. ArcQL statements are used along with query functions like find. If you understand SQL, you will write the ArcQL statements just by guessing at it.

Let’s consider the following schema of a social media App with Post and Profile types

type Profile {
userAccnt: Account
address: Address
friends: [Account!]

type Post {
postedby: Account
date: DateTime
text: String
comments: [Post!]
rating: Float
tagFriends: [Account]

Suppose the following data has been inserted in the Post and Profile tables. To know about data insertion, check out this tutorial on CRUD Operations.

address /cityNagpurMumbaiPune

User Profile

textUse low code!Future is low code!


Let’s use ArcQL filters one by one to filter the data.

· 4 min read

Authentication involves verifying the identification of a user. It is a typical use case in any data-driven application to create User Accounts and provide login to access the features of the application. Hypi’s low code APIs facilitate authentication of user accounts.

Stay with us to know the process of authentication with Hypi’s low code platform!

· 4 min read

In this tutorial, we will explore more about using Scalars on Hypi’s low code platform.

So, here is the first question: What are scalars?

Scalar types represent primitive leaf values in a GraphQL type system. GraphQL responses take the form of a hierarchical tree. The leaves of this tree are typically GraphQL Scalar types. (May also be Enum types or null values). The Scalar fields don’t have any sub-fields – they are the leaves of the query.

The second question is, “How to use Scalars in a schema design?

We are building a Social Media Platform and we want to determine the fields of a Post object. Here is our sample Schema.

type Post {
postedby: Account @computed(query: " = '${self.hypi.createdBy}'")
date: DateTime
text: String
likecount: Int @computedCount(field: "likedby")
likedby: [Account!]
comments: [Post!]
rating: Float
share: Json
postuuid: UUID
gppost: Boolean
tagFriends: [String]

The above Post object has used certain built-in scalar types from GraphQL like String, Int, Float, Boolean, etc. It supports custom scalar types like DateTime, UUID, JSON as well.

· 6 min read

How do you work with One-to-One or One-to-Many relationships in Hypi?

The example in this tutorial will answer this question.

Hypi’s low code platform supports the following two types of relationships between two entities (tables).

  • One-to-One relationship
  • One-to-Many relationship

We commonly see One-to-Many relationships examples in data-driven applications.

In one-to-many relationships, a single record in a table(entity) gets referenced by many records in another table (entities).

Then, what is a One-to-One relationship?

A single record in one table (entity) gets referenced by exactly one record in another table (entity).

Let’s deep dive into using one-to-one and one-to-many relationships in Hypi’s low code platform!

In this example, we will use the below schema.

type Profile {
userAccnt: Account @computed
(query: " = '${self.hypi.createdBy}'")
address: Address
friends: [Account!]

This is a profile of a user of a social media platform. Now, we will check the usage of one-to-one and one-to-many relationships using the above schema.

*Please note Address and Account are the in-built core tables provided by Hypi.

Here is the ER diagram of the schema for better understanding

· 10 min read

CRUD operations are the backbone of any relational database application. At the user interface level, CRUD operations are relevant as well. Hypi’s low code APIs help you implement CRUD operations in the data-driven application.

Let’s take a look at CRUD operations using Hypi’s low code APIs through this tutorial.

We shall start with a simple question. What does CRUD stand for?

CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) referring to operations necessary for the persistent storage and retrieval of data.

Hypi is a serverless low code backend platform that provides CRUD APIs (among many others). In Hypi you don’t write CRUD methods, they’re built in i.e., lowcode.

In Hypi you perform Query operations to get data from the database, you perform Mutations to create or update data in the database. Create, Update and Delete are mutations. Read is the Query.