Hack and win in the new #hypithon

As we recently announced, we’re rapidly working towards general availability (GA) of our services. With this comes expectations from our community which we will strive to meet.

Chief amongst them is support. Hypi believes in providing full 360 support, this means:

  1. Directly from our team, via email, chat or call
  2. Via the community
    1. By asking questions and getting recommendations and best practices from others
    2. Through collaboration

Today we’re announcing the Hypi monthly hackathon. We will offer $500 USD to the first place winner, $300 to second place and $200 to third.

By doing this, we hope to foster collaboration amongst our community members. As a participant, you will be able to enter by yourself or as a team of up to 5. What you build will be limited only by your imagination!

It doesn’t end there, the full list of prizes available each month are:

  1. $1000 for the top 3 apps each month.
  2. 1st place winner gets the option to join the Hypi partner network (details to follow)
  3. Any app developed during the competition will be given free access to our Growth plan for 12 months

We will publish the full rules and terms & conditions before the first competition starts on Nov 1st 2020. Enter below to join!


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