The Hypi team is incredibly proud to announce today that we’re making our second public beta available today.
This has been in the making for a few months after receiving very valuable feedback from our community. Not only have we listened to the original feedback, some members of our community have directly contributed to the improvements in this release.
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Three years ago our team set out to make it easier for developers to build applications but we had no idea of the amazing journey this would take us on. In our first 18 months we built 3 different versions and threw them all away because they just weren’t quite right. We spoke to developers at conferences and meetups including WebSummit, Collision and Apache Ignite London and France. It was 18 months researching and speaking to developers 6 countries face to face and 4 more virtually all of this has culminated into what Hypi is today.

Several months ago we offered limited access and got feedback from the wider community. That feedback was reassuring, almost everyone felt it was a good product with great potential but were missing a few things or could be improved here and there and now we’re again announcing Hypi, a comprehensive low-code backend as a service platform.

Hypi’s founding purpose is to make development simple and hair-loss free. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to do that best and we summised a few things from our own experience as well as from our research and speaking to developers.
- We spend too much time repeating ourselves from project to project, sometimes even within the same project. The things that almost everyone we spoke to say they repeat a lot are:
- CRUD APIs – the bare bones of all data driven applications
- Authentication – Registration and login in
- Authorisation – Access control, even more than that, flexible access control. Role based access control is great but simply doesn’t fit the bill in many cases.
- Caching and scaling – even today, this remains a challenge for most developers
- We spend so much time integrating and staying in sync with external services.
- We still have to build what are now commonplace features into our apps every time.
The team’s very proud to say that Hypi takes care of all of these and so much more.
Available today are features such as:
- Instantly generating CRUD APIs from a data model
- Automatically available login and registration APIs
- A simple, yet flexible authorisation API allowing you to model anything from simple role based access control to complex corporate authorisation models
- Hypi is built on Apache Ignite allowing us to automatically scale your APIs, no effort required. Taking advantage of its massively scalable in-memory technology we’re also able to achieve incredible performance, thinking nothing of it!
- Serverless functions so you can add custom APIs and extend the built in ones.
- Inline functions for when Docker containers are too heavy handed
- Webhooks to accept incoming, unauthenticated events from external systems
- Workflows for scheduling and orchestrating function executions
- Math APIs for performing atomic mathematical operations server side
- Aggregations API for getting analytics and other insights from your data
- A powerful query/filtering language to find data
- …and so much more
When we say it’s a comprehensive platform, we mean it. For our existing users who have been working closely with us to get to this stage we thank you! This announcement signals our push towards general availability in the coming months.
Sign up and let Hypi take the stress and repetition out of back end development. Simple is best!