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Welcome to Hypi Tink!

Build Apps faster in Visual and No Code way - Simply use Hypi Tink!

What is Hypi Tink​

  • A programming tool that makes App creation simple, effortless, and easy
  • An end-to-end support for designing eye-catching User Interface with robust Backend
  • A visual path-way to build Apps faster with the power of Reuse

What it offers​

  • Simply drag and drop widgets to design User Interfaces or Screens
  • Effortlessly add text, colour, call-to-action buttons, images, and more to the user interface
  • Add User Stories to capture end-user perspectives
  • Design Data Models to implement User Stories
  • Link Screen designs to User Stories and Data models
  • Implement bespoke actions by adding desired workflows
  • Ideate the designs by making notes on the boards

What kind of Apps you can build​

  • Android, iOS, or web applications with a provision to publish in the marketplaces
  • Applications with simple to complex User Interface designs
  • Applications with screen width adjustments
  • Applications connecting to external services through APIs
  • Applications with CRUD operations, serverless computing features

There are limitless possibilities on what kind of Applications you can build!

With your own unique user stories, data models, and screens, create various kinds of applications with great user values on Hypi Tink: No Code - Visual Way!